Tranquility bay provides some best educational facilities which make it the best education academy available. We focus on the overall development of students rather than limiting to only the academics. Different programs and facilities provided to enhance students’ skills and talents are:Character Building Audio/Video tapes: These are included in the daily schedule of students so that they get motivated and inspired by great experts like Zig Ziglar, Stephen Covey, Tony Robbins and Dr. Bradshaw. Students are made to listen and watch these 30-minute tapes that teach them character and skill building.
Physical Education: Students involve themselves in constructive physical activities and sports like basketball, soccer, volleyball, tennis etc. Physical education enhances their concentration by freshening up their minds. It gives them a way to enhance their leadership skills, team spirit, team building and self-esteem.
Leisure Education: Some games like cards, board games and others are assigned by the staff to the students during the first 20 minutes of this special class. Last 40 minutes allow students to play any approved game of their choice. Thus students learn to make their choices and prioritize their work.
Educational Videos: Students are shown different videos like science, wildlife and history, produced by National Geographic, Public Broadcast System and others. These videos keep the student’s knowledge up-to-date and enhance their questioning and reasoning skills.
Movies: Movies with some positive lesson are shown to the students.
Foreign Language: A class is arranged where students are taught some foreign language to make them able to face the world. To teach the students the importance of hygiene and cleanliness and making them responsible, we inspect on a daily basis for proper grooming, dress, hygiene, and proper care of bed, clothing and other belongings. We keep an eye on students’ activities and in case of illness or any type of injury; they are taken proper care of by our highly experienced medical and clinical team.